In this episode, host Todd Perry welcomes Ben Lightsey, a Biological Engineer out of our PPM Jackson office. Ben shares his expertise on identifying, detecting, and correcting vapor intrusion in soil, groundwater, and in its gaseous form entering structures.
Vapor intrusion occurs when there is a migration of vapor-forming chemicals from any subsurface source into an overlying building. This phenomenon was first recognized in the 80s when concerns over radon intrusion became widespread. This lead to the awareness that anthropogenic chemicals (e.g., petroleum hydrocarbons and chlorinated solvents) in soil, groundwater, sewers, and drain lines could pose threats to indoor air quality via the vapor intrusion pathway.
Key Topics and Takeaways
- Vapor Intrusion (VI) – what is it?
- Porous substances like sand allow volatiles through more easily
- When to worry about vapor intrusion
- Structure types, foundations, and vapor intrusion
- Assessing possible contamination with EPA’s VISL calculator
- When harmful levels are confirmed – alert the necessary parties
- Preventing vapor intrusion – subslabs and barriers
- Correcting vapor intrusion issues – HVACs, sealing foundations, venting harmful vapors away from your structure
- Contact us with any questions
Resources and Links
EPA and Vapor Intrusion Guidelines