Phase I & II Environmental Assessment Project
PPM Consultants, Inc. conducted of a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) at the Former Aaron’s Grocery #2 Property located at 1216 West Madison Avenue in Bastrop, Louisiana as part of the City of Bastrop’s Brownfield Assessment Grant. A UST system was identified as an onsite Recognized Environmental Condition (REC) during the Phase I ESA. PPM was then retained by the City of Bastrop to conduct a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) at the facility. A Property Eligibility Determination (PED) form was submitted to EPA for approval. The EPA approved the PED and requested that a Property- specific Sampling and Analysis Plan (PSAP) be prepared for the Phase II ESA. The purpose of the assessment was to determine if site soil and groundwater have been adversely impacted by the historical uses of the subject property or surrounding properties.
Upon receipt of EPA of the PSAP, PPM conducted the UST Closure portion of the Phase II ESA at the site on September 8 and 9, 2020. During the UST Closure activities, four soil samples were collected and submitted for laboratory analysis. Laboratory analysis included benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX), Methyl Tert Butyl Ether (MTBE), Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons – Gasoline Range Organics (TPH-G), TPH, and Lead. All constituents were below detection limits with the exception of lead. Lead concentrations were below the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LDEQ) Risk Evaluation/ Correction Action Program (RECAP) Screening Standards. Since all concentrations in soil were below the RECAP Screening Standards and/or not detected, additional Phase II ESA activities were not required.
PPM is preparing a UST Closure report that will be submitted to LDEQ and EPA. It is anticipated that LDEQ will not require any further investigation at the facility. The facility is slated to be redeveloped in the near future.
Project Highlights
- Phase I ESA completed identifying a former UST system as an onsite REC.
- Phase II ESA consisted of the removal of an UST and collection of UST Closure samples.
- Contaminants of concern: Petroleum Products.
- The REC identified in the Phase I ESA was mitigated and is no longer a REC. NFA is anticipated from LDEQ.