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Join AWMA and PPM’s Karen Brignac for an Air Permitting Webinar

In The Beginning: The Clean Air Act Tuesday, May 14,  12:00 pm – 1:30 pm CST Take a journey with us back to the beginning! The Clean Air Act has served as the backbone for environmental regulations in the United States and still remains one of the most important pieces of air quality legislation in…
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35 Years of UST Compliance, How Far Have We Come

35 years ago in 1984, underground storage tanks (USTs) began their official regulated journey. However, the beginnings of the UST regulations began prior to that with concern of inventory loss due to corrosion of the UST system. In the mid-70s, trade associations like the Petroleum Equipment Institute (PEI), Steel Tank Institute (STI) and American Petroleum…
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Join PPM at the Annual LSWA Environmental Conference

The Louisiana Solid Waste Association’s Environmental Conference will be held at the Louisiana Cajun Dome on March 20-22 in Lafayette, Louisiana. PPM Principal, Todd Perry, will be presenting 35 Years of UST Compliance, How Far We’ve Come on Thursday, March 21. The conference will be geared towards “working to preserve Louisiana’s environmental paradise,” and it…
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Will We See You at the Gulf Coast Food and Fuel Expo?

PPM is looking forward to the 2019 Gulf Coast Food and Fuel Expo in Biloxi, MS. In 2018 this expo hosted over 600 attendees from thirteen states, and it provided opportunities to meet top decision-makers and buyers in the petroleum marketing and convenience store industries. This year’s annual conference and trade show will be held…
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EPA Enforcement Annual Results for Fiscal Year 2018

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently released its annual enforcement results for the 2018 fiscal year (ranging from October 1, 2017, to September 30, 2018). The report highlights the results of the agency’s civil and criminal enforcement over the past year. Susan Bodine, the Assistant Administrator for OECA, summarizes EPA’s enforcement priorities, explaining “In…
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PPM Celebrates 25 Years

This month PPM Consultants is celebrating our 25th anniversary in business. The celebration will continue throughout the year in appreciation of our wonderful clients and exceptional team. The company will also celebrate its silver anniversary during its annual PPM Roadshow in February, where the firm’s principals will meet with PPM staff to share their vision…
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A Year-End Review of EPA’s Recent Air Permitting Guidance Changes

As we enter into 2019, it is important to reflect on the air permitting guidance changes we have seen in what has been a very active year in EPA air permitting guidance. These guidance changes, especially those under the complex NSR review process, will impact the air permitting process for capital projects going forward. Below…
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Merry Christmas from Our Family to Yours

One of the traditions we look forward to the most at PPM is sending to our clients a special Christmas greeting. Each year our card’s art is drawn by one of our team member’s children, and we love sharing what Christmas looks like through their eyes. We are always excited by the talent of these…
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Deregulation Trends in the Wake of “In-One-Two-Out” Policy

On January 30, 2017, the day President Donald Trump took office, one of his first measures was to sign in Executive Order 13771.1 This executive order became known as the “In-One-Two-Out” policy whereby for every new regulation adopted, two regulations should be cut so as to not increase the incremental costs of new regulations.  It…
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Brandon Bass, P.E. Joins PPM Consultants as Project Engineer

Brandon Bass joined PPM Consultants as a Project Engineer in the firm’s Birmingham, Alabama office. Bass has seven years of experience in air quality and compliance that he brings to PPM. Bass has extensive knowledge of environmental regulations, New Source Performance Standards (NSPS), National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP), and Title V permitting…
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Upcoming Compliance Dates for Refinery Sector Rule 40 CFR 63 CC

Compliance Date and Summary of Requirements January 30, 2019, is rapidly approaching, and for those facilities with flares subject to the requirements in Subpart CC, that’s your compliance deadline for completing a Flare Management Plan (FMP). Flares that are subject to the requirements in §63.670 are also subject to the flare monitoring requirements in §63.671,…
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2015 UST Rules to Begin Full Implementation

The 2015 Revised Underground Storage Tank (UST) Regulations will begin full implementation in some states and 16 non-program approved states on October 13, 2018.  The revisions strengthen the 1988 federal UST regulations by increasing emphasis on properly operating and maintaining UST equipment. The revisions will help prevent and detect UST releases, which are a leading…
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A recent study from two University of California Berkeley economists, Joseph Shapiro and Reed Walker, has found that pollution emissions from U.S. manufacturing fell by 60 percent between 1990 and 2008.  While during the same period, manufacturing grew by 30%.  The study will be published in the American Economic Review. This is very good news…
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EPA: Landfill Emissions

The OIG plans to begin preliminary research to determine whether active municipal solid waste landfills are operating under the appropriate air-quality permit. Click here  
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EPA Proposes Changes to Storage Tank Emission Calculation Guidance

On July 25, 2018, EPA proposed revisions to AP-42 Section 7.1 – Organic Liquid Storage Tanks. This section, lasted updated in November 2006, provides guidance for calculating air emissions from fixed and floating-roof storage tanks. Along with EPA’s TANK 4.09d software, this section has formed the backbone for most industrial facilities’ tank emissions estimates for…
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