FPMA Sunshine Expo
July 10, 2018
Please join PPM, booth 632, at the 2018 FPMA Sunshine Expo on July 27-29 at the Orlando World Center Marriott in Orlando, Florida. Friday, July 27 * Registration and Continental Breakfast 7:30am – 8:30am Exhibitor set up time 8:00am – 3:30pm *Education Session Tracks 8:30am – 3:45pm Track 1 Hurricane Emergency Management Track 2 C-store Operations…
Environmental Audits Don’t Have to be Scary Business
July 2, 2018
PPM Consultants routinely receives calls from small to medium size industries inquiring the need for an environmental compliance audit. Environmental audits can come in many shapes and forms but the topic of discussion here is an industrial facility with internal suspicion from management or from the environmental department that “something is missing and we need…
PPM Sponsors Mississippi Gulf Coast Brewery Tour
June 20, 2018
Please join PPM at the MEDC (Mississippi Economic Development Council) Annual Conference and register for the Gulf Coast Brewery Tour sponsored by PPM on July 12, 2018 in Biloxi, MS. Brewery Tour Registration – $35/attendee LIMITED SEATS (Only 31 seats available) 12 – 12:45 PM: Join us for the Networking Shrimp Boil 1 PM: Bus Departs from…
ILTA – Introduction to Terminals: Environmental Compliance Basics
June 15, 2018
The International Liquid Terminal Association held its Annual Convention at the Marriott Marquis in Houston, Texas, June 11-14, offering educational opportunities for pipeline terminal industry professionals of all skill levels and types. PPM Consultants has been integral in the preparation and implementation of a two day training class on “Introduction to Terminals”. The class covers…
Northwest Florida Brownfields Redevelopment Forum to be Held in Marianna Florida
June 12, 2018
Please join Trey Hess and Ben Clabaugh at the Northwest Florida Brownfields Redevelopment Forum to be Held in Marianna Florida, Thursday, June 14, 2018 from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM (CDT).
Proposed Risk Management Program (RMP) Reconsideration Rule
June 8, 2018
More than 5 years after President Obama issued Executive Order (EO) 13650, sending us down this winding road, the EPA is proposing changes to a final rule, the Risk Management Program (RMP) Amendments (82 FR 4594, January 13, 2017) to better address potential security risks and reasonable consideration of costs. The proposed changes are intended…
EPA Final Area Designations for National Ambient Air Quality Standards
June 5, 2018
On April 30, 2018, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published their Final Area Designations for the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Ozone Established in 2015. EPA has designated 51 additional counties in 22 states as ozone nonattainment areas. The Clean Air Act directs state air agencies to take steps to control ozone pollution…
2015 Ozone Rule Timeline (Update)
May 11, 2018
On April 30, 2018, the EPA took the next step in the Clean Air Act (CAA) process to implement the 2015 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) by designating nearly all the remaining areas. Eight counties in the San Antonio, Texas area will be designated by July 17, 2018. The EPA touted a reduction…
May Membership Breakfast
May 11, 2018
Trey Hess, director of brownfields and economic development at PPM Consultants, will be speaking for the Partners for Environmental Progress (PEP) on “Economic Impacts of Brownfields Redevelopment” Thursday, May 17th at The Membership Breakfast. The event will cost $25, begin at 6:30 a.m. and end at 8:00 a.m. at a new location, Heron Lakes Country…
Louisiana Designated as Attainment/Unclassifiable for the 2015 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS)
May 7, 2018
On April 30, 2018, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) took the next step in the Clean Air Act (CAA) process to implement the 2015 Ozone NAAQS by designating nearly all the remaining areas. The EPA touted a reduction in the number of areas of the country designated as nonattainment with the 2015 standard, relying…
2008 8-Hour Ozone Maintenance Plan Revision for Baton Rouge
April 23, 2018
In 2008 EPA revised the 8-hour ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) from 0.08 part per million (ppm) to 0.075 ppm. The Baton Rouge area, consisting of five parishes (Ascension, East Baton Rouge, Iberville, Livingston, and West Baton Rouge), was designated nonattainment for the 2008 ozone NAAQS. In 2016 EPA approved a State Implementation…
Update on the Hazardous Waste Generator Improvements Rule
April 6, 2018
On November 28, 2016, EPA published the Hazardous Waste Generator Improvements Rule which became effective on May 30, 2017. This rule finalizes a much-needed update to the hazardous waste generator regulations to make the rules easier to understand, facilitate better compliance, provide greater flexibility in how hazardous waste is managed and close important gaps in…
Join Us at the Brownfield 101 Workshop in Bay Minette, AL
March 29, 2018
The Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will conduct an introductory workshop on brownfield redevelopment for community stakeholders in the Bay Minette, Alabama area. In addition, representatives from the City of Bay Minette and PPM Consultants, Inc. will give insight on the EPA Brownfield Assessment grant awarded to the city in 2017. The workshop will take place…
EPA Proposes to Add Spent Aerosol Cans to Universal Wastes
March 19, 2018
Rule Summary EPA is proposing to add hazardous waste aerosol cans to those “universal wastes” regulated under title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), part 273. This change in the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) regulations, once finalized, will reduce regulatory costs of a wide variety of establishments generating and managing aerosol…
Join PPM at the Annual LSWA Environmental Conference
March 5, 2018
The Louisiana Solid Waste Association Environmental Conference will be held at the Louisiana Cajun Dome…