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EPA launches new model to help clean up Illinois River Watershed

The Illinois River Watershed Modeling Program will help identify which pollution controls will best affect change in the Watershed. 
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Volkswagen stock plummets after emissions scandal

Volkswagen has just been discovered to have cheated emissions tests for its diesel cars.
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Environmentalists try to intervene in Kinder Morgan pipeline lawsuit

Several environmental groups have filed a motion to intervene in a lawsuit concerning Kinder Morgan's plans to build an interstate pipeline.
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EPA reaches $14.3 million settlement over Central Chemical site in Hagerstown

16 companies have agreed to spend $14.3 million to help clean up the Central Chemical Corp. site.
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EPA continues to push for better air quality

The EPA's push for stricter ozone emission standards has met heavy criticism.
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New Jersey reaches $226 million settlement with Exxon over environmental damage

The state of New Jersey has won a $226 million settlement over environmental damages caused by Exxon.
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Rhode Island awarded $1.3 million for brownfields cleanup

The EPA has awarded the state of Rhode Island $1.3 million to clean up its brownfields.
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Groups worried over implications of new EPA ozone rule

A group backed by energy industry special interests is challenging the EPA's newly proposed ozone rule.
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Allegheny County given $400,000 brownfields grant

Allegheny County has just been given $400,000 in brownfields grants by the EPA
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EPA seeks $367,500 penalty for Duwamish cleanup work

The EPA is pushing for a stiff penalty against a steel mill that failed to do its part in a river clean-up.
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Texan Attorney General asks EPA to cease global warming plan

Texas is threatening to sue the EPA if it doesn't let the current lawsuits against it play out in court before enacting its power plan.
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EPA awards Clarkson University $6.5 million for Great Lakes restoration efforts

Clarkson University has been awarded a $6.5 million grant to protect the wildlife of the Great Lakes.
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EPA chief claims Animas water quality back to “pre-event conditions”

The EPA claims that the water quality in the Animas river basin has been returned to its pre-spill levels.
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Vermont receives over $2 million in brownfields funding

The state of Vermont has been award $2 million in brownfields grants by the EPA.
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Lamar Smith calls for EPA contractor to testify on Gold King Mine Spill

The head contractor involved in the Gold King Mine spill is being asked to testify to a congressional committee.
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