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Navajo accuse EPA of providing tainted water

The Navajo Nation claims that relief water sent to them by the EPA was tainted.
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Investigation shows EPA underestimated gold mine spill

An internal investigation has revealed the EPA had foreknowledge of a potential spill at the Gold King mine.
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Judge blocks EPA’s new Clean Water Rule

North Dakota won a temporary injunction in its case against the EPA Waters of the United States rule.
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Tennessee lawmaker faces EPA fine

The EPA is currently seeking a fine of nearly $200,000 from a Tennessee lawmaker.
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EPA announces new methane rule

The EPA has proposed a new rule to help cut methane emissions.
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$5 million settlement reached over Mayflower Oil Spill

Oil companies have agreed to a $5 million dollar settlement following 2013's Mayflower oil spill.
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EPA accidentally causes toxic mine spill in Colorado

A multi-state environmental disaster has been accidentally caused by the EPA.
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Pan Am Railways reaches settlement with EPA

Pan Am Railways has settled a lawsuit with the EPA.
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EPA set to release voluntary methane emissions reduction proposal.

The EPA is set to release a voluntary methane emissions reduction proposal.
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EPA shuts down another six coal plants

The Sierra Club, with the help of the EPA, has managed to shut down six coal power plants as part of a legal settlement.
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Federal judge set to hear new arguments on EPA dead zone-regulations

Judge Jay Zainey is set to rehear arguments on a dead-zone nutrient dumping ruling.
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Biofuels industry upset over EPA’s cuts to programs

The EPA is under fire from the biofuels industry for weakening its promised standards and appeasing the oil industry.
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Marquette County Road Commission files lawsuit against EPA

A Michigan road commission is fighting the EPA's decision to block construction.
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Knoxville area redesignated for meeting EPA ozone standards

The EPA has designated the Knoxville area as having attained emission standards.
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First lawsuit filed to Hawaii’s new environmental court

The newly opened Hawaiian Environmental Court has already received its first lawsuit.
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