EPA chief claims Animas water quality back to “pre-event conditions”
September 2, 2015
The EPA claims that the water quality in the Animas river basin has been returned to its pre-spill levels.
Vermont receives over $2 million in brownfields funding
August 31, 2015
The state of Vermont has been award $2 million in brownfields grants by the EPA.
Lamar Smith calls for EPA contractor to testify on Gold King Mine Spill
August 31, 2015
The head contractor involved in the Gold King Mine spill is being asked to testify to a congressional committee.
Navajo accuse EPA of providing tainted water
August 31, 2015
The Navajo Nation claims that relief water sent to them by the EPA was tainted.
Investigation shows EPA underestimated gold mine spill
August 31, 2015
An internal investigation has revealed the EPA had foreknowledge of a potential spill at the Gold King mine.
Judge blocks EPA’s new Clean Water Rule
August 31, 2015
North Dakota won a temporary injunction in its case against the EPA Waters of the United States rule.
Tennessee lawmaker faces EPA fine
August 31, 2015
The EPA is currently seeking a fine of nearly $200,000 from a Tennessee lawmaker.
EPA announces new methane rule
August 31, 2015
The EPA has proposed a new rule to help cut methane emissions.
$5 million settlement reached over Mayflower Oil Spill
August 24, 2015
Oil companies have agreed to a $5 million dollar settlement following 2013's Mayflower oil spill.
EPA accidentally causes toxic mine spill in Colorado
August 13, 2015
A multi-state environmental disaster has been accidentally caused by the EPA.
Pan Am Railways reaches settlement with EPA
July 31, 2015
Pan Am Railways has settled a lawsuit with the EPA.
EPA set to release voluntary methane emissions reduction proposal.
July 23, 2015
The EPA is set to release a voluntary methane emissions reduction proposal.
EPA shuts down another six coal plants
July 23, 2015
The Sierra Club, with the help of the EPA, has managed to shut down six coal power plants as part of a legal settlement.
Federal judge set to hear new arguments on EPA dead zone-regulations
July 22, 2015
Judge Jay Zainey is set to rehear arguments on a dead-zone nutrient dumping ruling.
Biofuels industry upset over EPA’s cuts to programs
July 20, 2015
The EPA is under fire from the biofuels industry for weakening its promised standards and appeasing the oil industry.