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EPA selects 20 communities for brownfields grant

The EPA announced 20 new AWP grants for brownfield remediation.
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Oil train derailment threatens Mississippi River, says EPA

​A BNSF train derailment and oil spill threatens the Mississippi River, says EPA. 
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Pan Am facing hefty EPA fines in Waterville

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has proposed a $375,000 fine for Pan Am Railways for alleged environmental law violations. 
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Company fined over $360,000 for crude oil spill

The Virginia DEQ is taking action against CXS Transportation Inc. for a 2014 crude oil spill.
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Pesticide violations discovered at Kansas company

An EPA inspection of Quest Products LLC revealed violations of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act.
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Drugs and personal products may taint pool water

Research suggests that pharmaceuticals and chemicals from personal care products may end up in pool water.
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Criminal charges filed against Duke Energy

Duke Energy is facing federal criminal charges for pollution at five North Carolina power plants.
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Hazardous waste fines upheld against two Virginia companies

The EPA Appeals Board upheld fines against two companies for hazardous waste violations at a Roanoke facility.
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Disney agrees to settle Clean Water Act violations

The Walt Disney Company is taking steps to settle a six-year-long lawsuit over alleged violations of the Clean Water Act.
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EPA sued for alleged environmental violations

EPA sued for alleged environmental violations.
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SO2 (NAAQS) and You

By: Paul Hansen, P.E.  – Project Engineer During July 2010 the EPA published a “final”…

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Settlement reached in PCB disposal violations case

The EPA reached a settlement with the Imperial Irrigation District valuing over $920,000
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EPA announces settlement to resolve Clean Water violations in Harrisburg

The EPA announced a proposed settlement agreement to resolve Clean Water Act violations with the city of Harrisburg. 
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National grocery chain settles with EPA over violations

The EPA settled a claim with national grocery chain SuperValu over water pollution violations.
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Inspection of Columbia lab reveals Clean Water Act violations

The EPA recently reached a settlement with ABC Labs over hazardous waste violations.
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