Natural gas development attracts chemical companies
July 1, 2014
The American Chemistry Council claims that foreign companies account for 62 percent of announced capital investments in the industry.
Pennsylvania Governor wants to allow more gas development on public land
June 30, 2014
In Pennsylvania, the Corbett Administration is considering leasing as many as 25,000 acres of public park and forest land as a way of raising $75 million for the state budget.
IEA warns that world does not have enough nuclear plants
June 27, 2014
The IEA believes that the world must cut its carbon emissions to half of 2011 levels in order to experience a 20 percent chance of avoiding a global temperature increase of 2 degrees Celsius. This is harder without nuclear power.
Supreme Court sets limit on EPA’s power to regulate carbon dioxide emissions
June 26, 2014
The Supreme Court has slightly limited the EPA's ability to regulate carbon dioxide emissions.
Report: Transporting oil by rail could result in high emission levels
June 24, 2014
Valero Energy's plan to unload up to 70,000 barrels per day from trains at its Benicia, California refinery may significantly increase emissions in the state.
North American oil production predicted to increase
June 17, 2014
North American oil production has been on an impressive streak in recent years, and studies predict that it will reach a remarkable milestone within a few years.
Natural gas pipeline planned for Massachusetts
June 17, 2014
A Houston-based energy company is proposing a multibillion dollar pipeline that would connect Massachusetts to shale fields in New York and Pennsylvania.
Oil and gas development enjoys strong support
June 17, 2014
Oil and gas development is economically sound and increasingly popular.
Natural disasters lead to lasting contamination threats
June 17, 2014
It is becoming increasingly clear that natural disasters are creating long-term contamination issues that continue to threaten communities for years after the initial strike ends.
Kentucky makes the switch from coal to natural gas
June 13, 2014
Kentucky is known as "coal country" for the vast amount of coal it has historically produced. However, times are changing, and economic and political factors are slowly changing the form of energy that the state is relying on.
Supreme Court sides with state limits on contamination lawsuits
June 12, 2014
This week, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that state contamination lawsuit laws took precedence over any applicable federal laws.
Quapaw Tribe to partner with EPA on remediation project
June 10, 2014
There are a number of contaminated sites in both Oklahoma and Kansas. To remediate them, federal officials are working with locals—in this case, the Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma.
EPA to follow California down the path of lower emissions
June 5, 2014
Those who want to understand how the EPA's new emissions regulations will work should look to California.
EPA issues long-delayed water-cooling mandate
June 5, 2014
After some delays, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released its final 316(b) rule for existing facilities that employ cooling water drawn from various domestic water supplies.
Duke Energy, EPA plan to clean coal ash spill site
June 4, 2014
Duke Energy has reached an agreement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regarding plans for cleaning up the site of a coal ash spill.