Today Todd welcomes Annie McIlwain back to the podcast. Annie is Principal and District Manager at PPM Consultants, Inc., and is here to discuss ESG (Environmental/Social/Governance) policies. The discussion explores the concept of ESG investing, considering environmental, social, and governance factors alongside financial ones. Younger generations – Millennials and Gen Z – are strong advocates for ESG, prioritizing companies that make a positive social impact. There’s currently no central U.S. authority overseeing ESG, but having strong ESG practices can potentially lessen regulatory hurdles. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) should be implemented to measure an organization’s progress towards ESG goals over time.
Key Topics and Takeaways
- What is ESG? Environmental, Social, Governance
- Generations and how they view ESG
- Millennials and Gen Z place great importance on ESG, making an impact
- ESG parameters are not monitored or governed by any U.S. organization
- Having a good set of ESG protocols may reduce regulatory interference
- Does your company have KPIs to measure your progress?
- Reach out to PPM for any questions!
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