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The PPM Blog

PPM Consultants Appoints Lance Green District Manager

Lance Green HeadshotPPM Consultants recently appointed Lance Green district manager of PPM’s Baton Rouge office.

Green was previously a project manager with PPM and has 14 years of experience in the environmental field, specializing in air permitting and regulatory review. Green has worked extensively with both the Louisiana and Federal air toxics programs and has over 12 years of experience in air permitting for the oil and gas industry as well as manufacturing firms.

Principal Tim Powers said, “I’m excited to have Lance lead the PPM Baton Rouge team into the future. Lance brings technical, personnel, and leadership skills that are some of the best I’ve seen in my 30-year career. We are fortunate to have Lance at PPM.”

During his ten years with the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LDEQ), Green worked as a technical resource for compliance and enforcement personnel for regulatory interpretation of NESHAPs, Minor Source, Title V, and PSD permit requirements.

Green said, “During my time as a regulator, I saw the quality of the work that PPM provided to the agency; so when given the opportunity to join the staff, I did not hesitate to jump aboard. As I got to know the staff at PPM, I realized the term “team” is not just semantics; PPM actually works as a team, as a family. A team can solve many more problems than a group of individuals.”

Green holds a Bachelor of Science in zoology from Louisiana State University and is a member of the Air and Waste Management Association.

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