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Regulatory Compliance & Audit Services

For organizations and facilities to mitigate the risk and cost of non-compliance, they must be diligent in identifying and recognizing the gaps that lead to it. Understanding a company’s environmental impact is crucial for identifying areas for improvement in sustainability practices and operational efficiency. With the ever-growing complexity of environmental regulations, management must be willing to evaluate their internal programs and processes to ensure compliance with the applicable regulations.

PPM provides comprehensive facility-specific regulatory compliance/multi-media audit services to industrial and commercial facilities. PPM’s compliance audits are comprehensive and targeted to address all industry-specific regulations applicable to the facilities being audited. Findings from these audits are provided in clear and concise reports along with recommendations to attain compliance.

We're Here to Help

Compliance Auditing Services

Services that we offer in relation to Regulatory Compliance/Multi-Media Audits include:

Air Auditing
  • Applicability determinations
  • State-specific regulations, NSPS, and NESHAP compliance (including CEMS, COMS, and CPMS)
Water Auditing
  • Wastewater and stormwater discharge compliance including BMP
Waste Auditing
  • Solid and hazardous waste compliance (generator status, storage, etc.)
Emergency Response
  • SPCC, FRP, and FSP
Hazardous Materials Reporting
  • Tier 2 and TRI
  • Risk Management Plans
  • Triennial PSM Auditing
Post Audit Support
  • Strategic planning to maintain compliance
  • Facility-specific process/procedure development to support ongoing compliance

What is an Environmental Compliance Audit?

An environmental compliance audit is a systematic, documented, and objective evaluation of a company’s environmental performance and practices to ensure compliance with applicable environmental laws, regulations, and standards. The primary goal of an environmental compliance audit is to identify areas of non-compliance, assess the effectiveness of the company’s environmental management system, and provide recommendations for improvement. By conducting these audits, companies can proactively address potential issues, enhance their environmental performance, and ensure they are meeting all regulatory requirements.

Types of Environmental Audits

Environmental audits come in various forms, each serving a unique purpose. The three main types of environmental audits are:

  • Environmental Compliance Audits: These audits focus on ensuring that a company is adhering to all relevant environmental laws, regulations, and standards. They help identify any areas where the company may be falling short and provide guidance on how to achieve full compliance.
  • Environmental Management Audits: These audits evaluate the effectiveness of a company’s environmental management system. They aim to identify strengths and weaknesses in the system and suggest improvements to enhance overall environmental performance.
  • Functional Environmental Audits: These audits assess specific environmental aspects or processes within a company, such as waste management or energy consumption. They provide detailed insights into particular areas, helping companies optimize their environmental management practices.

Understanding the different types of environmental audits allows companies to choose the most appropriate audit for their needs, ensuring comprehensive evaluation and improvement of their environmental performance.

The Environmental Audit Process

The environmental audit process is a structured approach that typically involves three key stages: preparation, conducting the audit, and post-audit activities. Each stage is crucial for ensuring a thorough and effective audit.

Preparation for the Audit

Preparation is the first step in the environmental audit process. It involves defining the scope and objectives of the audit, assembling a qualified audit team, developing a detailed audit plan, and notifying relevant stakeholders. The audit team should consist of experts in environmental management and auditing to ensure a comprehensive evaluation. Proper preparation sets the foundation for a successful audit by clarifying what will be assessed and how the audit will be conducted.

Conducting the Audit

The next stage is conducting the audit, which involves collecting data and information through various methods such as site inspections, interviews, and document reviews. During this phase, the audit team evaluates the company’s environmental management system, identifies areas of non-compliance, and assesses the effectiveness of existing environmental controls. This thorough examination helps uncover any gaps in the company’s environmental practices.

Post-Audit Activities

The final stage of the environmental audit process involves post-audit activities. This includes preparing a comprehensive audit report that outlines the findings, recommendations, and conclusions. The report should clearly identify areas for improvement and provide actionable steps to address any non-compliance issues. Additionally, Developing a corrective action plan is crucial for improving environmental performance and ensuring regulatory compliance.

Getting Started

Contact PPM for assistance with Environmental Compliance Audits

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