Trey Hess, director of brownfields and economic development at PPM Consultants, will speak at the fifth annual Northwest Florida Brownfields Redevelopment Forum to be held on June 6 in Panama City.
This free event will include an overview of brownfield assessment and cleanup, local success stories, updates to Florida laws governing brownfield sites, economic incentives and breakout sessions. This workshop will provide comprehensive brownfield redevelopment information and expert tips to help you improve your community’s redevelopment efforts.
In his talk, “Redefining Brownfield Success”, Hess will reveal how communities in Mississippi have consistently beaten the EPA regional average for winning EPA brownfield grants. Hess will also share a success story out of Tupelo, Mississippi, where public and private partnerships have revitalized the blighted former fairgrounds into a thriving urban development.
The fifth annual Northwest Florida Brownfields Redevelopment Forum will be held at Gulf Coast State College on June 6. This event is free to attend, but pre-registration is required.